Hayden Saunier | Field Trip to the Underworld

Field Trip to the Underworld. Number 12 in the Keystone Chapbook Series and co-winner of the 2012 Keystone Chapbook Prize, selected by guest judge Brent Goodman.

Publication date: December 7, 2015
 [limited to 200 copies]
 22 pages
ISBN: 978-1-949333-15-2

$ 9.00

Saunier_FIELD TRIP TO THE UNDERWORLD_webCover photograph by the author.

Hayden Saunier is the author of two poetry collections, Tips for Domestic Travel (Black Lawrence, 2009) and Say Luck, which won the 2013 Gell Poetry Prize, selected by Laure-Anne Bosselaar. Her work has appeared widely in a variety of journals and has been awarded the Pablo Neruda Prize, the Rattle Poetry Prize and the Robert Fraser Award for Poetry. She lives with her family on a farm outside Philadelphia.

How It Happens, Sometimes

In a crowded grocery store, 
a white-haired woman
reaches backward, grasps 

the bright red handle
of my shopping cart, for balance,
thinking it her own.

What separates the living
from the dead
opens swiftly as a slatted blind– 

I see my mother’s hand.
It rests a moment, almost
touching, next to mine.

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