Sam Pittman | Mostly Water

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Mostly Water. Poems by Sam Pittman, selected by Dan Vera and Ron Mohring as Number Six in the Rane Arroyo Chapbook Series.

Publication:  March 31, 2018 [100 copies]
17 pages
$ 9.00

Cover design by Sam Pittman.

Sam Pittman is a graduate of the MFA Program in Writing at the University of Pittsburgh, and holds a BA from the University of California, Berkeley. He has received endowments for his writing from the American-Scandinavian Foundation, the Scandinavian Society of Western Pennsylvania, and the Sperry Fund. Sam’s work has appeared in such journals as Bellevue Literary Review, Newfound: A Journal of Place, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, and The Good Men Project. He writes and teaches in Pittsburgh, PA. 

The Ocean Will Hide Me Eventually

I could stow a voice
under the moss, still
a little dirty. The space
from the plants to rock
underneath is deep enough
to insulate sound.
I would hear myself
think, and hum
myself to sleep.
There is room
for one in this dank
pocket of atmosphere.
I will stretch and turn
my crystal mass just so
the news above can’t
reach me. But
Glacier, like Spirit, 
makes way.