Lenore Myers | Regards to Balthus

Regards to Balthus. Poems by Lenore Myers, selected by Ron Mohring as Number One in Volume Eleven of our Summer Kitchen Chapbook Series.

Release date:  August 28, 2023 [49 copies]
33 pages

Cover: vintage marbled end papers. 

A graduate of the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers, Lenore Myers’ award-winning poems have appeared in The Southern Indiana Review, LIT Magazine, One, The Southern Review, and elsewhere. The poems in this chapbook are selected from an in-progress first manuscript. Lenore lives with her partner and young son in Northern California, where she teaches English to recent immigrants.

The Triangular Field (1955)

Beyond the hedgerow, just
a scritch, barely human
form, so close to being
landscapey themselves—
two triangles away from serious
grazing sheep, indistinct
as growing grass. Waving
in the solemn green, a blue
someone hailing from
the larger field—calling
another someone—
we’ll never know what
or if they heard. The horse
is grazing comfortably within
the reassuring geometries,
these green, orderly lanes
of light and land. Across
the golden field, aglow
in summer’s lengthening, an
apple tree seems to leap
into the light, screaming
as growing grass. Waving
beneath her bouffant of leaves— 
isn’t it usual to see
something a bit wrong?
But leaping is unfolding
life, its nervous squiggles,
in plain sight—here it is
only seeming, and horses,
undisturbed, lack perspective. 

[ Our thanks to One Magazine for first publishing this poem.]

  • Limited edition: only 24 copies are available. Order yours here.
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