Tag Archives: Rane Arroyo Series

New chapbooks released: Tim Moder and Terry Hall Bodine

New chapbook release: Craig Beaven, In Arcadia [Rane Arroyo Series]

Our twentieth release this year is Craig Beaven‘s In Arcadia, selected as Number 20 in our Rane Arroyo Series. It’s hard to believe that we’ve released twenty titles in this series–and #21 is just around the corner. Please join us in welcoming Craig to the Seven Kitchens family.

Call for manuscripts: The Rane Arroyo Series

It’s October, and we’re reading manuscripts for our annual Rane Arroyo Chapbook Series. Recent chapbooks in this series include Kelly Rowe’s Child Bed Fever, Caroyn Oliver’s Night Ocean, Jon Conley’s House Hunters International, Cameron Gearen’s Sorry, Wept the Littered Riverbed, and–publishing soon–Craig Beaven’s In Arcadia and Tim Moder’s American Parade Routes. Please click here to read full guidelines for our this series. We look forward to reading your poems!

New chapbook release: Cameron Gearen, Sorry, Wept the Littered Riverbed [Rane Arroyo Series]

Our ninth title of the year is Cameron Gearen’s Sorry, Wept the Littered Riverbed, selected as Number 19 in our Rane Arroyo Series. Please join us in welcoming Cameron to the Seven Kitchens family.

New chapbook release: Jon Conley, House Hunters International [Rane Arroyo Series]

Our sixth title of the year is Jon Conley’s House Hunters International: Sonnets, selected as Number 18 in our Rane Arroyo Series. Please join us in welcoming Jon to the Seven Kitchens family.

New chapbook release: Carolyn Oliver, Night Ocean [Rane Arroyo Series]

Our fourth title of the year is Carolyn Oliver’s Night Oceanselected as Number 17 in our Rane Arroyo Series. Please join us in welcoming Carolyn to the Seven Kitchens family.

Rane Arroyo Series selections: Beaven, Gearen, Moder

We are thrilled to announce the selection of three manuscripts for publication in our Rane Arroyo Series. From over sixty entries, we have chosen In Arcadia by Craig Beaven, Sorry, Wept the Littered Riverbed by Cameron Gearen, and American Parade Routes by Tim Moder. All three chapbooks will be published in summer of 2023.

Please join us in congratulating these poets and their work!

New chapbook release: Kelly Rowe, Child Bed Fever [Rane Arroyo Series]

We’re proud to release our fifteenth title this year: Child Bed Fever by Kelly Rowe is Number 16 in our Rane Arroyo Series. Please join us in welcoming Kelly to the Seven Kitchens Press table!

Arroyo Series closed

Thanks to all for the strongest response we’ve had yet: 110 manuscripts were received for this year’s Rane Arroyo Series and have been logged in. If you don’t see your title listed, please email sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com. We’ll roll up our sleeves and start reading!

In 2022, we will change the reading period for all series from six weeks to one month in order to accommodate something new (to be announced). Please remember to check guidelines here on our site and not from other sources, which may or may not update regularly.